“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” Howard Zinn


Happy Time

Happy Time is a service organization that I founded in 2020. It works hand and hand with the Genes Foundation, a foundation started by a close friend of mine who had a genetic condition. I have been an ambassador for the Genes Foundation for six years. He unfortunately passed away when we were in the 7th grade and his foundation helps other families and children with genetic conditions help find support and a community. Happy Time helps create more creative, social, and athletic opportunities for children with genetic conditions

Blue Missions

Blue Missions is a week long service trip to the Dominican Republic in which we help build latrines or provide water to underdeveloped and underprivileged towns. I attended two of these week long mission trips in the Dominican Republic in the summers going into 11 and 12 grade

Other Service in Covid times

Cards for Healthcare Workers

I planned and organized a mask drive for under privileged schools in my community. Once I collected a sufficient amount, I went to the schools and gave them out to students and teachers who couldn’t afford them

Mask Drive